
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pet Peeves: Misspelling My Name

So, here this goes! :) A few months ago one of my closest friends began writing her very own blog. I looked forward to reading it and became disappointed if she didn't write a new one in a "timely" manner. Throughout the day I found myself thinking of random topics that I would like to write about myself. Things such as the way people drive, things people say, our government, and other random acts of idiocy that seems to torment me on a weekly, or even daily basis. This bring me to my first blog post topic, my pet peeves.
Today I encountered my #1 pet peeve: the spelling of my name. Yes, yes, I know you just took a look at my blog title to check my name out. Those of you who know me personally have already heard this "song & dance" many times before. For that I apologize! hehe OK, back to task here. So, I am sure you noticed that my first name is spelled with only "1" n, instead of the usual 2. My mom decided to do this after seeing it spelled like this while in the hospital after giving birth to me. It was either "Tara" or Jennifer." Obviously I was given the latter. My mom not only named me what was to become one of THE most common names for at least a decade, but she spelled it "wrong" to boot. Now, please don't misunderstand me, the fact that mom did all this does it annoy me, however, it is NOT the reason for my first blog. My ultimate pet peeve is that fact that people misspell it ALL THE TIME! And since it's one of my first pet peeves (that I can think of) and the most re-occurring one it seems only fitting for it to be my first post.
You would not believe how many people spell my name wrong and it super-duper annoying. It drives me up the wall! I have tried several times to just let it "roll off my back." But for some reason I just can't let it go. Before you accuse of me of being heartless or being too hard on folks, let me be clear and state that I don't blame those people who spell my name without me spelling it for them or who do not see it printed in black and white.....or whichever color it might happen to be.
You would not believe the number of times my "friends" on facebook have misspelled my name while commenting on a status update or on a wall post. Are you serious???? I mean it is right there! Right there on my profile, right there on my status! *GRR! It really makes me unhinged when co-workers do it or when it is on my paperwork. It just makes me want to scream! Today I gave a lady my check which plainly has my name printed on the top left. But (yep, you guessed it!) when I got the receipt my name was spelled with 2 ' n's. I just rolled my eyes and left. I have often contemplated saying, "Excuse me, do I look stupid? Did you spell "Jennifer" with 2 ns because you assumed I was an idiot and spelled my name wrong or are you just too lazy to take the time to look at it correctly? Or are YOU stupid?" However, I do not because it would be rude and not nice in the least, so I try to just bite my tongue and go about my business. But for the record it irks me to no end!
The moral of this story is to please, please, please pay attention to what you are writing. I know people make mistakes, me included (though very rarely....hehe). But a mistake is when something happens once or not very often, but from my experience people are just idiots or lazy.
Tootles! ~J

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