
Friday, October 14, 2011

Pet Peeves: Class Warfare

Ok, first of all let me start by stating that I am a REPUBLICAN. Therefore, if you are a Democrat, you read the rest of this blog at your own risk. I would be highly surprised if you agreed with anything I am about to say. Reading beyond these first few lines would just make you mad or sick to your stomach. Undoubtedly, you would feel the need to make a comment about my views in which case I would have to delete them because to be perfectly honest, I don't want to hear it. Let's be real and just come to terms with the fact that we don't agree. And that's ok with me, but since this is my blog, I am going to write what I want to regardless of what you say or think. So please save yourself some time and exit this page if you have liberal leanings, because I guarantee that what is written here will not be something you will want to hear. However, if you are by chance an open minded Democrat that can read another’s opinion without making comments or without trying to force your viewpoint onto others then by all means, read on......

Now, onto business: Like a good little Conservative and American, I watch Fox & Friends in the mornings when I can. Mostly, I just listen to it as I get ready for work. But that is neither here nor there…..This week they have been talking quite a bit about the protestors down on Wall Street, the “99%” or some such thing. From what I understand this “99%” are supposed to represent the population of people who are not rich in this country. They are currently protesting on Wall Street because of all the rich folks who work down there, you know the “1%.” Anyway, back to Fox & Friends. One of the hosts, Gretchen Carlson asked some top notch Democrat chick this week if she thought President Obama’s talk of class warfare was spurring on this “99%” protest that was occurring. Of course, the chick being interviewed never really answered the question out right; she wasn’t going to admit that Obama’s talk of higher taxes might be a cause of the unrest in New York City.

This interview has been on my mind most of the week. It made me start thinking about Obama’s policy towards those he considers “rich,” you know, the folks who make more than $250,000 a year. The rich, huh? $250,000 is rich? Well, then that makes him and the rest of the law makers virtual millionaires doesn’t it? I mean we pay the President a cool $500,000, twice the amount he has labeled as rich in America. But wait, not only do we pay the Presidents salary (and the other lawmakers) we also pay ALL their bills, their rent, their gas, their food, their health insurance, and the list goes on, and on, and on. A regular energizer bunny!

Nothing burns my hide more than a hypocrite. Just say it like it is, mean what you say, don’t talk in circles or out of your booty. The double standard that flows out of most Democrats mouths just makes me want to puke. Here are all these Liberal politicians that talk about the rich needing to pay their fair share, people need to buy green, take better care of the environment, etc., etc. And here they sit in Washington or in a state capitol living off of OUR money, pocketing the pay checks that we write to them, riding around in limos, dining in the fanciest restaurants and they have the nerve to tell us we need to give a little more. Are you kidding???? How about they give up some of their pay check? How about they get a personal insurance policy? How about not getting a retirement check for life or secret service? Why do normal, everyday citizens who already give up so much have to continue to keep giving? At some point people have to realize that you just cannot get blood out of a turnip.

And it’s not just the Washington Democrats that get under my skin. It’s also those silly little hotty-totty Hollywood wackos that drive me insane! They are constantly talking about giving money to the sick and hungry all over the world; they urge us to make “green” decisions such as driving an electric car or getting solar panels for your house. I feel like screaming at my T.V. “Right, I have a load of cash lying around, let me jump right on that for you….oh, wait a minute, that’s not me, that you!” These idiots spout out this nonsense about caring for the Earth, making the world a better place by helping those in need, eat healthier, blah, blah, blah. And yet, they have 5 sports cars, and another 3 SUVs, not to mention the 3 or 4 mansions they own (which are not solar powered), a private chef and personal trainer. I mean are they all just that messed up in the head? Do they really think that we are a bunch of zombies who are just going to fall in line because they, the mighty and beautiful, have set forth unattainable goals? Where do they get off asking us to do anything when they still have more than any one person needs in life?! Get real Hollywood, and put your money where your mouth is, or rather first put your money where you want us to put ours. Then maybe we will “fall in line” until then, go lay in a tanning bed.

Basically, I can’t stand the Washington and Hollywood Liberals because they are such hypocrites. Now, I don’t mean to imply that Conservatives are perfect by any means; we have lots of flaws too. Many people don’t like Republicans because they believe that the party is only for the rich and spit on the poor. However, I see it as we believe that if you earn it, you should keep it. Period, end of story. Why should we have to pay more when we worked to get here? But that is whole other blog within itself so I better not get started on THAT at the moment. To be honest, Republicans might be for the rich, but at least they admit that. Hey, we work hard for our money and we think we should keep it. You won’t find us with any bleeding hearts anytime soon. As far as class warfare is concerned we stand firm on the fact this concept is ridiculous.

So all you Socialists, oops, I mean Democrats grow up and just admit how you really feel. While you might really want to help those in the lower classes, the real agenda in Washington is to keep the lower classes in “line.” If the poor continues to rely on D.C. for their money, the politicians keep the control in their own hands, all the while bleeding the middle class dry, making a larger poverty class to control. Oh, and they get their votes. Can’t forget about those votes, huh? But my question is what happens when the “triangle/pyramid” of society gets turned upside down and the point is on the bottom trying to balance and hold up the heavy, overburdened base in the air? Any person with common sense (which seems to be quite few these days) knows that the triangle/pyramid is going to fall on one side or the other. My prayer is that if falls to the Right and we can turn this once great nation back to what it once was. If not, then I guess we need to all invest in some Rosetta Stone software so we can speak Chinese well enough to understand the instructions we receive from our new “managers” when they arrive…….

Grap those life vests! 2012 is going to be a long one! ~Jen

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