
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Confessions: Lack of Blogging

Obviously I have been EXTREMELY absent in my blogging. Ok, so that is probably an understatement....LOL Oh, well, I have been super, super busy! I have participating in after school tutoring since September and it has definitely taken a toll on my home life. So when I am home I like to spend it with my daughter, doing the dishes, laundry, catching up on my TV. shows, etc. You know typical everyday chores. Most nights I am too tired to even turn on the computer to check facebook. Now, THAT is tired! ha!

However, one of my New Year resolutions for 2012 was to be more dedicated my blogging. Since my mother-in-law keeps Hadley for me while I work late on Tuesday's I have decided to designate this day at my blogging day. Right now it is 9:05 pm and I should really be going to sleep......but a resolution is a resolution, right? :) But that isn’t to say that I may not throw in another one later in the week.

Originally, I wanted this blog to be about serious issues I feel our nation faces every day. However, that takes a lot of time and effort. Plus, a lot of writing time b/c I tend ramble on and on. I have decided that this blog will be exactly like I am: random. I will definitely talk about controversial issues because that is who I am as a person. Most of the time I am going to tell you how I see it especially if you ask. I try to be diplomatic if I think I will hurt someone's feelings needlessly or unnecessarily. But since this is my blog, I will more than likely offend you at some time, and that's ok. If you don't like you, you are welcome to discontinue reading. And since I really don't know who is reading this or when, you won't hurt my feelings in the least.

This is a short and sweet blog tonight. My Cleopatra and King Tut programs took up a lot of my time tonight. They were extremely interesting and I have been looking forward to watching them, plus many others about ancient Egypt, that I DVR'd on Sunday. So, they took up quite a bit of my time tonight.

I hope this blog finds you in great spirits, if not, then please give it up the Lord.

I bid you "adieu" as the sound of my daughter's laughter fills my ears. She is lying beside me watching her new "love" of Team Umizoomi that comes on nick jr. Wonderful, amazing memories that I will definitely cherish.

For my dedicated fans (because I know I have sooooo many.....) I am sorry for my lack of attention. And just for clarification, if you don't understand why I inserted the picture below, then you probably will not get future random references in the future.......I have a very dry sense of humor that few seem to share and enjoy.

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