
Sunday, January 22, 2012

DIY: Hair Bow Holder

So, my daughter has a TON of bows. When we first started "collecting" them, they fit in drawer corner in her dresser. However, as she got older and acquired more clothes, there was less room in the drawer for her bows. Once they became too much for the corner, I moved them to a box on top of her dresser. But then it seemed like I had to take them all out just to find the one I wanted! More bows were purchased for various outfits so I decided in October that I had to make a change. Something just had to give. I looked around the Internet at the various types of "do-it-yourself " bow holders. I found one on a blog that had a lot of the aspects I liked, with the exception that it was on a canvas and it didn't look as though it could be changed out very easily. My husband does not like canvas pictures. He likes pictures to be in frames so I adjusted it to fit his taste. Aren't I good wife??

Here is how I did it! Enjoy! :) (the dates are not correct on the photos! haha)

The first thing I did was go to Hobby Lobby and purchase a large frame. I chose an 18x24 because I needed a good size one for all the bows.

While I was at Hobby Lobby I picked out fabric and ribbon. I chose the zebra print because  Hadley's room has a jungle theme from her nursery days. I felt it matched the best with her current decor.
For this project you need box tape and a hot glue gun. Oh, and scotch tape (not shown).
Once you have all your materials, find a good sized space to "operate" on. I took everything off my coffee table and put down some baby blankets so I wouldn't scratch the wood. Then I took out the glass (which broke) and my husband disposed of it for me.

Next, I laid down the fabric and placed the "backing" or board on top to better measure the fabric. I cut the corners at an angle so they would not be bulky in the back so I could hang it on the wall at a later time.

The main aspect of this project that most concerned me was how I put this together in a way that would "grow" with Hadley as her tastes matured. So I decided to tape the fabric to the board on the back instead of hot gluing it. That way I can take a razor or box cutter later and cut it when we wanted to change decor. I did, however, hot glue the ribbon to the fabric.

In order to get the ribbon's straight I used scotch tape keep them in place on the front. As you can see I placed the skinner polka dot ribbon on top of the wider green ribbon to give it more depth.

After I glued down all the ribbons, I placed the board back in the frame. I chose to put my frame horizontally as opposed to vertically b/c of the wall space. But either way would work just fine, depending your personal preference. :)
Here is the finished product! Much, much better!!! And cuter too, I might add! haha I still don't have it hung on the wall yet, but it serves its purpose well. Plus, I have been very good about putting the bows back on here and not leaving them lying around the house in various places like I did before. :)

I do have to confess that I had friend come help me with with the cutting and gluing. In fact I don't even own a hot glue gun! Yikes, huh? That is on my to-buy list now that I feel more comfortable using one.

I actually made some wreaths for Christmas too, but I will leave that for another blog!

Thank you for letting me share my first DIY craft! Hopefully, there will many, many more in my future!

God Bless,

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